How does the salad get to our table?

Interesting facts

Today I was able to take part in a factory visit to the Iceberg plant in Gyali, where Zoltan Gazsi showed very vividly the complex and fragile process that lettuce goes through before it reaches our table.

Zoli said that he sometimes asks visitors which bothers them more, a hair or a ladybug in their salad? Everyone is more bothered by the hair, because ladybugs are so cute. 🐞 If a bedbug? 🕷️ Well, then I'd rather have a hair.
But a hair is not nearly as much of a nuisance (an infection) as a bug that gets into everything, and I won't go into that now. 💩
I hope this is not a forced example, as I deal a lot with data, data quality, I wondered how much we are like this in our daily work. It tends to bother anyone less if their data is stored in colour tables. I'd rather have it that way than in a black box we call a database. 🔲
But it is important not to give in to the temptation of sight alone. The data always tell a story that is abstract, not visible at first glance, and it is only after careful examination that we can decide whether the product is good or bad, or even contaminated.
Then, when we want to present something consumable and fresh to the management, there is a lot of haste and uncertainty as to whether the result is really acceptable. Of course, if the presentation is colourful, it will be easier to absorb. But it may not reflect the truth. Or could it be full of bugs?


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