Let's make an EXCEL table!


I have no idea where global warming is going. Are coastal cities being swallowed up by the ocean? Is the ice disappearing from the Arctic Circle? Will the Gulf Stream disappear? Will all the rainforests be cut down? 

One thing is for sure, Excel is eternal and will always be with us!

If I'd invented Excel, I'd not only be rich, but proud of how much I'd helped the to alleviate the difficulties caused by the lack of systemic thinking that our education system is doing very little to address. I tried to be diplomatic, sorry.

Countless IT companies are developing countless systems, employing an army of consultants and spending billions of dollars in order to organise, manage and display data and information generated in the course of daily work processes, but this does not change the essence of the matter. 

In short, I would describe the situation as follows all Excel tables. Eradicating excel sheets is as hopeless and hopeless a battle as reducing greenhouse gas emissions. 

Let's look at how emissions have evolved over the past decades:

Well, the number of excel sheets is growing just as steadily. That's for sure. The climate treaty, the UN, the EU, Mark Zuckenberg, Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk and Chuck Norris can't change that. Not even together.

We've implemented SAP and it's missing a thing? Let's export the data to an Excel spreadsheet and put it there! Weekly. Every day. Twice a day.

Have we implemented brand new project management software, but no red for the background of top priority tasks? Export the list to Excel, colour in the cells and email it around to everyone before the weekly status!

I need to file incoming mail, but in the filing program, can't I record the contact person for the sender who is a company? Let's make an Excel spreadsheet! There you only need to insert one column. The address data will be in bulk redundantly, but that's ok. The trainee will correct it.

Want a pay rise? Learn about the VLOOKUP function and spread its use within your company! You will immediately need three less people in your department. And who is responsible for all this? Who? 

Can you program macros? Do you know what Visual Basic is? Really? Why didn't you tell me that before? Your employment will be guaranteed until you retire.

I think, Excel has its place and role. I also use it for mass instruction generation for example. 

But what I don't understand is that if a company spends so much money, so many horses, so many people on architecture, software, consultants, why is Excel the most important application now and forever?




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