The world's 10th richest person also works


At 78, Larry Ellison is a professional of a standard that anyone would envy. Despite being the 10th richest man in the world, he is not spending his retirement years sipping cocktails on his private island, but is actively working as CTO of Oracle.

As one of the keynote speakers at Oracle Cloud World 2022, he outlined in his otherwise very high quality presentation some of the areas of focus for Oracle, such as the development of healthcare software.

Of course, it sounds very boring, but what he said had a very deep ethical implication:

"We've built fabulous global systems for credit, but not for health. We prioritise shopping way above health, and that is not right."

It is not right that we spend so much time and energy on improving our financial systems, and nothing on health.

What I was particularly pleased about was that he specifically highlighted Oracle Application Express, which is increasingly becoming a focus product at Oracle. It is the primary development tool for my company and I am an avid user myself.

The story I've heard many times before is that in 68 days, an application was developed in APEX that could track vaccination worldwide. All in the Oracle cloud, of course.

Yes, in APEX, you can develop at a speed of at least ten times ❕ and the result is not only robust, but also of high quality.

My wish for all of us is that we should be able to remain enthusiastic about our profession beyond 70, find new directions and share them with the world. It really makes sense.


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