The cloud be with you

Interesting facts

Just a week ago at this year's Oracle OpenWorld, Larry Ellison announced the Always Free program for businesses. You get an immediate 85,000 HUF buy-down, but there's a very big bet that you can use the free services without restriction after the 30-day trial period. We'll see.

This is very good news for APEX developers - and Oracle database users - as we can use a full-fledged database and APEX environment on a cloud basis.
The only major constraint is the 20Gb storage limit, which let's face it, is not a big compromise for application development.

Especially when you consider that it is not the usual Oracle XE edition (max 12Gb) cloud hosting. Yes, I looked, I tried, I can create partitioned tables, so really.


On the login page, you can clearly see what Always Free entitles you to:

  • Create a VM instance
  • Create a database
  • Create a data warehouse

Clicking on create database will create your own database in about 5 minutes, which you can then pay for later if you have a problem with performance.

The database provides the services shown in the image below:

The installer will create an ADMIN user/schema with quite strong rights. We can create a schema and the range of system privileges is quite wide. It is worth running the select * from dba_sys_privs SQL statement.
I have to admit that the web version of SQL Developer is quite well-developed, although it is far behind the JDK version in functionality, it is quite usable. I especially like the intelligent debugging.

As for the APEX instance, I was a bit curious about its lack of INTERNAL workspace functionality, especially the fact that I cannot centrally manage users of workspaces I have already created. Anyway.

All in all, we are in for some serious excitement, as even the cheap APEX hosting services are not free and all of them run Oracle XE. From not include the free workspaces available on the website, because you cannot access the database from outside.

A lot also depends on how Oracle is supported. Although there are links to chat in many places, I have not tried this.

Link: Announcement by Larry Elison, Always Free


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