Faces that do not exist

Interesting facts,Conference

Believe it or not, none of the pictures above belong to any person who has ever lived. It is all a product of machine learning and artificial intelligence.

Today, the Association of Oracle Users in Hungary (HOUG) years at where this was one of the topics discussed.
A series of presentations on Klebersberg Centre began with a presentation by the head of the "Digitalisation in public institutions" entitled.

As a father of two school-age children and as a big critic of our education system, I listened with interest to the distribution of 45 630 notebooks (of which HP 20 000, Lenovo 8000, Dell 17630) and 24 000 learning tablets + 800 storage cabinets to teachers and students, the four levels of digitalisation training for teachers and the SDA Zrt. the modules of the highly successful Chalk system developed by I was not convinced.

I'm glad there are attempts, but it felt like trying to catch a speeding train on a skateboard. I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

A "Digitalisation in the banking sector" we learned from the presentation that the mobile phone becomes the primary, almost exclusive, tool, we use to use the internet. And in this process, trust is enhanced, where the customer will no longer know whether they are communicating with a real person or a chatbot.

Expected in the coming years will be the big launch of the collection and processing of vehicle-related data, said the Inventure Automotive Managing Director.
We smiled at the "consequences" of working with a major waste haulage company, after they equipped their vehicles with such an extra data collection device.
Of course, when ingenious drivers went to pick up rubbish where they shouldn't have, they tried to shield the vehicle with tinfoil.
However, the bin lifter was working, which was recorded by the system, only the vehicle was not on the map and I didn't even mention the fueling cleverness.

For me, the most striking though The presentation of Balázs Molnár (Oracle) was the "Machine Learning" and the "Deep Learning" on the subject of. Although I did not manage to understand it in twenty minutes the neural networks and the resulting matrices, it was clear that the "machine" can find the correct result based on the given patterns. It all depends on the number of samples and the capacity.

So, for example, if you enter a lot of photos as you go in and tell it the age and gender of the person in the photo, the machine will know that for itself after a while. The shocking thing is that it works in reverse. If you ask the computer for a picture of a 52-year-old white Canadian woman, the program will draw one for you. A person who never existed.

Afternoon presentations by Ádám Nagy (K&H bank) "Cybercrime trends/techniques 2018/2019" where we learned the following very real facts:

Extortionist viruses

  • Number of attacks increased by 300% in 2018
  • In 2019, on average, someone will switch every 14 seconds ransomware victim
  • Number of variants increased by 46%

Mobile phones

  • More and more criminal groups are turning to phones and tablets
  • The number of scam programs developed for mobile phones (Mobile malware) number
  • Less than 20% of Android devices are updated, meaning they are vulnerable

IOT (Internet of Things)

  • Factory set and configured home routers are very easy to hack, password change recommended
  • 800% increase in the number of attacks
  • Unnoticed attacks, sloppy manufacturers

Finally, phishing has reached the point where it is almost impossible to tell if an email containing a link or attachment is fake.

For example, based on data collected from social media you receive a letter from a former high school classmate (where you learned) that your company (which is your workplace) has an open position (because it is advertised) and based on your old acquaintance, send your (attached, perfect, accurate and well-written) CV to HR.

Each letter is unique, the subject is relevant to the job, the tone is personal and the spelling is perfect. In English. Where are the Nigerian fraudsters.

Once again, I got a glimpse into a brave new world, where it is becoming increasingly difficult to distinguish the existent from the non-existent...


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