Why is it (not) good to learn?

Why (not) it's good to learn February 23, 2024 Interesting Fact In my 20+ years of professional life, I have encountered many different approaches. I myself am working on my third degree and often teach, but I find the issue of learning very controversial. My children are now university students, but there is still an unresolved tension between expecting good results and knowing [...]

Generative AI in application development

Generative AI in application development October 17, 2023 Interesting Fact Over the past twenty years, I have mostly helped business areas that were not only users of enterprise software, but also contributed their knowledge and will to a more efficient IT environment. Custom software development is mostly based on the paradigm that the user describes the [...]

How does the salad get to our table?

How does the salad get to our table? February 8, 2023 Interesting Facts Today I had the chance to visit Eisberg's factory in Gyál, where Zoltan Gazsi gave a very graphic demonstration of the complex and fragile process that lettuce goes through before it reaches our table. Zoli said that he sometimes asks visitors which bothers them more, if they find a hair or if they find a ladybird [...]

The global elite

The Global Elite February 7, 2023 Interesting Fact I recently finished Zoltán Pogátsa's book on the global elite. On the one hand, I was a bit relieved, because I had to admit that the competition (or lack of it) in our country is far from being a Hungarian peculiarity. But I am also disappointed because, as described, it is not, or only with great difficulty, possible to achieve success "merely" [...]

Digital transformation in the middle of COVID

Digital transformation in the middle of COVID April 15, 2021 Interesting Facts Remember when IT and its manager were primarily responsible for running mail and file servers and installing the latest Windows. In recent years, however, IT has grown from being a service area to an area that (also) dominates business, with the COVID epidemic [...]

Life as a woman in the IT sector - interview

Life as a woman in the IT sector - interview January 11, 2021 Interesting Facts IT has always been a field where male workers have been over-represented. Although nowadays the 'pigeonholing' of jobs is starting to disappear, and fields are becoming more diversified, IT still only has 10-15% female workers. But what is it like to be a woman [...]

HOUG 2020

HOUG 2020 November 12, 2020 Interesting Facts,Conference As the spring HOUG (Hungarian Oracle User Group) conference was cancelled, much to my regret - where I would have been one of the speakers - the autumn event was fortunately held. I have mixed feelings about professional conferences in general, especially given the current dumping of presentations online, with more [...]

Customer, experience

Customer, experience November 6, 2019 Interesting Fact The latest buzzword that companies are starting to spend a lot of money on (no, I don't mean public companies) is customer experience. But doing business or shopping could be an experience without spending extra money. All it would take would be a little more humanity, kindness and attention to me, the customer, the buyer. I have been to another lecture. [...]

Faces that do not exist

Faces that don't exist October 17, 2019 Interesting Facts,Conference Believe it or not, none of the above pictures belong to a person who ever lived. They are all the product of machine learning and artificial intelligence. Today, I attended the annual event of the Hungarian Oracle Users' Association (HOUG), where, among other things, this was the topic of the [...]

The cloud be with you

Let the cloud be with you September 21, 2019 Interesting Fact Just a week ago at this year's Oracle OpenWorld, Larry Ellison announced the Always Free program for businesses. You get an immediate 85,000 HUF buy-down, but there's a very big bet that you'll be able to use the free services without restriction after the 30-day trial period. We'll see. This [...]