Digital transformation in the middle of COVID

Digital transformation in the middle of COVID April 15, 2021 Interesting Facts Remember when IT and its manager were primarily responsible for running mail and file servers and installing the latest Windows. In recent years, however, IT has grown from being a service area to an area that (also) dominates business, with the COVID epidemic [...]

The demand for professional programmers is decreasing

Demand for professional programmers is declining March 17, 2021 HR The low-code development tools market is growing at over 20% year on year, with sales of rapid development tools reaching $13.8 billion this year. This has come despite significant cuts in the IT sector worldwide due to the pandemic situation, but low-code [...]

Five steps to change education

Five steps that could change education February 17, 2021 Method As a business leader, the biggest gap I see is the quality of our training. Let's say when I think of my children or job applicants, the first thing that comes to mind is also the quality of education, or rather the lack of it. At school we learn that what we learn is useless, boring, we can't go back and anyway, [...]

The programmer they would hire

The programmer I would hire February 1, 2021 Training If I didn't have an IT company, the title would be different. Like electrician, shop manager, cook I would hire or something like that. Does the profession matter that much, the work experience, or are there things that matter more? My career has been such that I've had relatively few interviews [...]

How to quit?

How to quit May 21, 2024 Uncategorized Leaving a job is a bit like a breakup in some ways. Of course, with a breakup, it doesn't matter whether I'm breaking up with you or you've broken up with me. The person who initiates the break-up is proud of himself for having dared to do it and thinks of himself as the party who [...]

Life as a woman in the IT sector - interview

Life as a woman in the IT sector - interview January 11, 2021 Interesting Facts IT has always been a field where male workers have been over-represented. Although nowadays the 'pigeonholing' of jobs is starting to disappear, and fields are becoming more diversified, IT still only has 10-15% female workers. But what is it like to be a woman [...]

How (not) to document?

How (not) to document May 21, 2024 Documentation The main purpose of documentation is to. And the most common is not to have one. Accordingly, everyone wants to have it, but there is no one in the company who does it properly. The above contradiction has been a constant source of tension for me throughout my 20 years as an entrepreneur and programmer, and this whole problem [...]

What should be done to integrate?

May 21, 2024 Applications,Teamwork There comes a time in the life of every company or workplace when you need to hire someone. Either because they are so good at what they do, or because someone needs to be replaced. All to reduce the strain on the team. Will it really be less? Perhaps we should first look at what drives [...]

Let's make an EXCEL table!

May 21, 2024 Applications I have no idea where global warming is heading. Are coastal cities being swallowed by the ocean? Is the ice disappearing from the Arctic Circle? Will the Gulf Stream disappear? Will all the rainforests be cut down? One thing is for sure, Excel is eternal and will always be with us! If I had invented Excel, I would not only be rich, but proud [...]


KOVID - COOPERATION AND VIDAMY?May 22, 2024 Uncategorized I waited 15 years for a home office. It may be unbelievable, and today it's downright unimaginable, but back in January, countless companies were NOT giving remote access to their systems. Because anyone who can't be seen is dangerous. I work for one of them. Then in the spring, everything changed from one week to the next. The [...]