Why is it (not) good to learn?

Why (not) it's good to learn February 23, 2024 Interesting Fact In my 20+ years of professional life, I have encountered many different approaches. I myself am working on my third degree and often teach, but I find the issue of learning very controversial. My children are now university students, but there is still an unresolved tension between expecting good results and knowing [...]

Generative AI in application development

Generative AI in application development October 17, 2023 Interesting Fact Over the past twenty years, I have mostly helped business areas that were not only users of enterprise software, but also contributed their knowledge and will to a more efficient IT environment. Custom software development is mostly based on the paradigm that the user describes the [...]

Data-driven application development

Data-driven application development April 11, 2023 Applications There are many different ways to plan a project, but for me there is only one approach that really works. When we embark on a project, we usually do it because we want to achieve something nicer, better, more efficient, more convenient. We desire a state of being that goes beyond the present and we believe that we are willing to go [...]

How does the salad get to our table?

How does the salad get to our table? February 8, 2023 Interesting Facts Today I had the chance to visit Eisberg's factory in Gyál, where Zoltan Gazsi gave a very graphic demonstration of the complex and fragile process that lettuce goes through before it reaches our table. Zoli said that he sometimes asks visitors which bothers them more, if they find a hair or if they find a ladybird [...]

The global elite

The Global Elite February 7, 2023 Interesting Fact I recently finished Zoltán Pogátsa's book on the global elite. On the one hand, I was a bit relieved, because I had to admit that the competition (or lack of it) in our country is far from being a Hungarian peculiarity. But I am also disappointed because, as described, it is not, or only with great difficulty, possible to achieve success "merely" [...]

What should be done in times of crisis?

What should be done in times of crisis? November 20, 2022 Method Many people are now finding themselves wondering what to do in times of crisis. Most of all, of course, they encourage you to buy expensive services. Here are a few thoughts on what I would do if I were you. As uncomfortable as it is to face up to it, we mostly make our decisions based on emotion. If we didn't, leaders [...]

Untold Stories Conference

Untold Stories Conference November 19, 2022 Training Every day I experience the struggles of entrepreneurship myself, so it's good to see how other businesses are created from nothing and what can lead to failure. I also see from the crowd and the many young people in attendance that despite the crises, the enthusiasm never wanes, there are always those who believe [...]

The world's 10th richest person also works

The 10th richest man in the world is still working November 7, 2022 Conference At 78, Larry Ellison is a professional of a standard that anyone would envy. Despite being the 10th richest man in the world, he's not spending his retirement years sipping cocktails on his private island, but is actively working as CTO of Oracle. As one of the keynote speakers at Oracle Cloud World 2022, he will be [...]

Is it wrong if the best player is not a team player?

Is it wrong if your best player is not a team player?flecktomi September 23, 2022 Teamwork 15 minutes read Although I am far from the football world, news has reached me that Christiano Ronaldo, the 37-year-old six-time Ballon d'Or star, has had some serious transfer problems in the last few years and not mainly because of his age or his price (salary). As the owner, of course, [...]

Company training under COVID - lessons from a survey

In-company training under COVID - lessons from a survey flecktomi August 6, 2021 Training 15 minutes read The year 2020 has turned the rules of employment upside down. The "home office" is no longer the privilege of a lucky few, but has become the norm. However, not only have our working hours and working days changed, but also how and [...]