Five steps to change education


As a business leader, I think the biggest gap is the quality of our training. Let's say, when I think of my children or job applicants, the first thing that comes to mind is the quality of education, or rather the lack of it. 

At school we learn that what we learn is useless, boring, we can't go back and anyway, "what will we use it for"? 

Mostly nothing.

This week is the London Learning technologies conference, true, only online, but if it weren't for the virus thing, I would have definitely gone in person, as I I did last year

For me, it's a completely new medium, where you feel that you have something they want teach him and the best way to do this Method they're looking for, and what you spend your time and energy on, you can you can benefit from is. And all this is for you, who you want to learn, not who you want to teach.

A Saffron Interactive Director and Project Manager of a company called, Noorie Sazen and Jessica Anderson sees the following 5-step process as the most effective way to motivate the student and achieve the highest benefit:

1. Test your audience

The first and most important thing to start with is to arousing curiosity. If the learner understands that what they are going to hear about will help them in their development, in their work, in whatever, and that you can help them with that, then they will have an appetite for what you have to say. 

Ask questions that highlight gaps in their knowledge and tell them what they will get answers to.

2. Create a supportive environment

The digital environment is the perfect choice to tailor the delivery of knowledge to the needs of the learner. The student has the freedom to choose the path, to reach the goal, to revisit or skip material, while interactivity is supported by a variety of questionnaires, tests and exercises.

In addition to the technical conditions, fine-tuning of the curriculum is very important, and the courses and feedback questions are a very good feedback. What prior knowledge is required to get started, how complex or extensive should the curriculum be? How difficult or boring was it? With feedback, we can then make the transfer of knowledge even more supportive.

3. Be present

Very difficult to find the right balance in the transfer of knowledge. From the instructor's point of view, it is obviously most convenient to produce the course material and the corresponding tests and the subject is closed for him.

But the best thing is to let the learner go on a journey of discovery, but not to leave them in the dark. Let your listener know that you are always present, available, supportive, answer their questions as soon as possible.

4. Let it create

Try to build a group of learners around the curriculum who can and will communicate with each other. However, the best way to integrate, understand and apply what you have learned is to practice it, so there is nothing better than a group solution to a problem or a joint creation of something using the knowledge you have just acquired.

But you have to provide the necessary conditions, environment and start-up.

5. From passive student to active teacher

In the learning process, transform passive knowledge consumers into active participants who contribute practically to the development of the content and the method by carrying out tasks. Create a space and time to respond, to give feedback both to you and to yourself. Everyone wins. It will very soon become clear where to put more emphasis and less emphasis.

Give them the opportunity to add to the teaching material, ask questions, explain things, do exercises.

If you do things right, your course material will come alive and both the student and the teacher will be increasingly motivated.



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